ProGuard is a tool to shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify Java classes.
How should I use proguard with ormlite library on Android? Trying this: -keep class com.j256.** -keepclassmembers class com.j256.** …
android optimization obfuscation proguard ormliteI have a Java project which includes the Xerces library. When I process the project with Proguard, I get the …
java proguard xercesI want to obfuscate only some packages:** I have tried -keepclasseswithmembers class **, !**, !** { *; } …
obfuscation proguardUnfortunately, I have lost the source code of one of my apps which I obfuscated using ProGuard. I still have …
android apk reverse-engineering proguard decompilingWhen I do not minify my app I reach the maximum method count and building the dex file fails. This …
android gradle proguardI am trying to run my android application through Proguard, however this keeps appearing: Warning:Exception while processing task java.…
android gradle android-gradle-plugin proguard butterknifeI have a problem about Unable to access jarfile ..\lib\proguard.jar when run Export Singed Application Package from IntelliJ 11.1. …
android intellij-idea proguardI have a version of file android.webkit.WebViewClient in my application source directory in order to handle onReceivedSslError in …
android proguard webviewclientHi I developed one android library and Now I want to obfuscate it for redistribution. I develop my library with …
android obfuscation proguard android-libraryafter scouring through all sorts of queries related to issues w/ obfuscation using Proguard, I've come to the point where …
android obfuscation jackson proguard