Top "Powercli" questions

VMware vSphere PowerCLI is a set of Windows PowerShell snap-ins that provide cmdlets to automate vSphere and vCloud virtual environments.

Need help on Powershell Copy-Item from network drives

I am trying to use Copy-Item from remote machine to another remote machine with the command: Copy-Item -Path "\\machine1\abc\123\…

powershell powercli copy-item
Running a PS1 script using a batch file (.bat)

Currently the following is my path for launching the VMware vSphere PowerCLI command prompt. I wish to run my sample.…

powershell batch-file vmware virtual-machine powercli
How do I run disconnect-viserver with no prompt in PowerCLI

How can I disable the prompt when using the following cmdlet to disconnect from a server in PowerCLI? The help …

vmware powercli
Which VMware API should I use?

I'm trying to write a fairly simple application in C# (or at least, I think it should be simple) that …

c# vmware esx powercli
PowerShell/CLI: "Foreach" loop with multiple arrays

I have a PowerCLI script that powers off a VM, changes its memory and cpu, and then powers it back …

arrays powershell foreach vmware powercli
How to search array of objects contains an item in another array?

I have two arrays. An array of objects containing Virtual Machine Information called $vms one of the attributes called Name. …

powershell powershell-2.0 vmware powercli
PowerCLI - Finding Virtual Machine via VM IP

I am trying to locate specific VM's based from IP addresses in PowerCLI. I found this script online Grabbing VM …

powershell vmware powercli
Running VMWare powerCLI commands with SoapUI

I have a powershell script file with PowerCLI commands like Connect-VIServer etc. I am able to run the script file …

powershell vmware soapui powercli
command to get the number cpu exists on vmware

Is there any cli command to know the configuration details of VM like, number of existing cpus, number of network …

powershell vmware esxi powercli esx
So what is special about Powershell PSC1 files?

On my PowerShell shortcut I have the following: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psc "C:\Program Files (x86)\…

powershell powercli