command to get the number cpu exists on vmware

user715274 picture user715274 · Apr 19, 2011 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

Is there any cli command to know the configuration details of VM like, number of existing cpus, number of network cards etc., in VM.


Evan Powell picture Evan Powell · Apr 26, 2011

The vSphere PowerCLI can do this for you from powershell. From here:

Get-VM | `
  ForEach-Object {
    $Report = "" | Select-Object -property Name,NumCpu,MemoryMB,Host,IPAddress
    $Report.Name = $_.Name
    $Report.NumCpu = $_.NumCpu
    $Report.MemoryMB = $_.MemoryMB
    $Report.Host = $_.Host
    $Report.IPAddress = $_.Guest.IPAddress
  Write-Output $Report
  } | Export-Csv "C:\VM.csv"