Top "Powercli" questions

VMware vSphere PowerCLI is a set of Windows PowerShell snap-ins that provide cmdlets to automate vSphere and vCloud virtual environments.

PowerCLI to walk through clusters and hosts

Here is what I am trying to do: I have a vSphere setup with multiple clusters, underneath those clusters there …

powershell vmware powercli
Powershell: Permanently Modify Path, "Requested registry access is not allowed."

I need to permanently add a scripts folder to my PowerShell path (not just a particular session). I am running …

powershell path registry windows-server-2012 powercli
Add and Remove Snapshots with PowerCLI for multiple servers

I am trying to get a snapshot from multiple servers with PowerCLI. Connect-VIServer -server -user acconut -password xxx $vmlist = Get-Content …

virtual-machine snapshot powercli
How to determine if EMC PowerPath is installed on an ESX host using PowerCLI

TL;DR How can I use PowerCLI to determine if EMC PowerPath is installed on an ESX host? I am …

powershell vmware powercli esx
Trouble comparing created date with current date

Hopefully someone can give me a hand. I'm having trouble comparing the current date to the date which a file …

powershell powershell-2.0 vmware powercli
C# code to access VMware vSphere PowerCLI

Are there examples of C# code accessing vSphere API through PowerCLI or otherwise? For test automation, is PowerCLI script or …

c# vmware powercli
Round a number in PowerShell one-liner

I'm using VMWare's PowerCLI to run this command to output an inventory of sorts from vCenter. Get-VM | Select-Object Name,MemoryGB,…

powershell vmware rounding powercli vcenter
Powercli Find Powered Off VM and shutdown date

I have a generic script that will show me all powered off vm's on a singular host. I would like …

powershell virtual-machine vmware powercli vcenter
List VMs and their cluster

I'd like to be connected to multiple VIservers and list all the VMs + their respective clusters. Is this possible? I've …

powershell vsphere powercli
Powershell - Create new line for multiple array objects using Export-csv

I have an odd one that I haven't seen much writing on. Anyway, here goes. I'm trying to build an …

powershell csv vmware powershell-3.0 powercli