Top "Copy-item" questions

Copy-Item is a powershell cmdlet that copies an item from one location to another.

Progress during large file copy (Copy-Item & Write-Progress?)

Is there any way to copy a really large file (from one server to another) in PowerShell AND display its …

powershell progress-bar progress copying copy-item
Powershell Copy-Item but only copy changed files

I am trying to recurse through a directory and copy it from A to B. That can be done with …

powershell xcopy copy-item
Need help on Powershell Copy-Item from network drives

I am trying to use Copy-Item from remote machine to another remote machine with the command: Copy-Item -Path "\\machine1\abc\123\…

powershell powercli copy-item
Get the list of files that are getting copied in PowerShell

I am using the PowerShell Copy-Item command to copy a directory with files to another location. I want to display …

powershell copy-item
PowerShell - suppress Copy-Item 'Folder already exists' error

When I run a recursive Copy-Item from a folder that has sub folders to a new folder that contains the …

powershell copy-item
Get-ChildItem and Copy-Item explanation

Why does gci $from -Recurse | copy-item -Destination $to -Recurse -Force -Container not behave in the same way as copy-item $from $…

powershell get-childitem copy-item
PowerShell use xcopy, robocopy or copy-item

The reason for switching from batch files to powershell scripts is to improve error checking of the process. Does the …

powershell xcopy copy-item
Powershell 3.0: COPY-ITEM Filter or Include options not working

Does the -Filter or -Include parameter work for anyone when using Powershell 3.0? I've tried both of the following commands: Copy-Item …

powershell powershell-3.0 cmdlets copy-item
PowerShell: Copy-Item Cannot find path

I'm trying to get PowerShell to copy files from a remote computer (on which I have admin rights through AD) …

powershell copy-item
Powershell Copy-Item - Exclude only if the file exists in destination

Following is the exact scenario in my powershell script. $Source = "C:\MyTestWebsite\" $Destination = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DemoSite" $ExcludeItems = @(".config", ".csproj") …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-remoting copy-item