Top "Get-childitem" questions

Get-ChildItem is a powershell cmdlet that gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations.

Limiting Powershell Get-ChildItem by File Creation Date Range

I use a Powershell command to generate a CSV report of certain file types. My goal is to find out …

powershell get-childitem
Adding the file sizes of Get-ChildItem listing

My goal is to figure out how much space all images on my network drives are taking up. So my …

powershell filesize get-childitem
Use PowerShell to generate a list of files and directories

I'm writing a PowerShell script to make several directories and copy a bunch of files together to "compile" some technical …

powershell powershell-2.0 get-childitem
How to find files in directories with certain name using Get-ChildItem?

I have a project folder called topfolder and I want to find all files in all subfolders that match a …

powershell get-childitem
Powershell Get-ChildItem -Filter operates differently to Where clause with same value

I have a folder on a server called MyFolder. There are additional folders called MyFolder.1, MyFolder.2, MyFolder.3 etc. If I …

powershell filter get-childitem
How can Get-ChildItem be tested for no results (zero files)?

I'm stumped here on what seems to be a simple problem; so sorry for any bone-headed-ness over here. I have …

powershell get-childitem
Locating all subdirectories matching a string or partial string

I basically need to set a variable to a folder path without knowing the full path. My issue is I …

powershell filesystems powershell-2.0 get-childitem
Extract lines matching a pattern from all text files in a folder to a single output file

I am trying to extract each line starting with "%%" in all files in a folder and then copy those lines …

powershell foreach filtering get-childitem select-string
How to use wildcards with directories in PowerShell's Get-ChildItem -Exclude cmdlet

For a simple example, let's say I have a folder, Root, with three folders in it; Folder1, Folder2, and Folder3. …

powershell directory get-childitem
Get-ChildItem and Copy-Item explanation

Why does gci $from -Recurse | copy-item -Destination $to -Recurse -Force -Container not behave in the same way as copy-item $from $…

powershell get-childitem copy-item