Top "Portal" questions

A (web) portal is a web-site that brings together information from diverse sources in a unified way.

A valid provisioning profile matching the application's identifier could not be found

This has been asked before, but the answers to previous questions are not solving my issue. I'm trying to build …

xcode device provisioning portal
Get the current user Liferay using a simple Java code

I'm working with : Liferay 6.0.6 with JBoss 5.1 and Struts2. My question is, how to get the current user in Liferay once …

authentication jboss struts2 liferay portal
Setting up a new website with Liferay Portal - basic steps?

I know this is not specifically a programming question, but programmers will often have to do this work. How do …

web liferay portal portlet
Co-Administrator can't see subscription in new Azure portal

Simply, I have an Azure corporate subscription. I have a co-administrator who has his own personal 90-day trial subscription. When …

azure portal
Creating App Store Distribution Certificate - What to enter in Common Name field?

When creating the app store distribution certificate in the certificate assistant, do I enter my name in the Common Name …

iphone certificate app-store portal
How to add a Co-Administrator in the new Azure portal?

For adding a co-administrator the Howto refers to a "Hosted Services, Storage Accounts & CDN" view. But I can't find …

azure portal
Restrictions/disadvantages of developing portlets for Liferay

I'm considering developing an application as portlets, to be integrated in Liferay portal. Are there any significant disadvantages or restrictions …

java portlet liferay portal
ajax to post and return html to display in div

jQuery v 1.9.0 When the page loads I am firing two functions (get_month() & get_todays_events()) and those return …

jquery html ajax portal
What is (Xcode: Wildcard AppID) in my iOS Provisioning Portal?

Suddenly I saw now a new App ID in my (iOS Provisioning Portal) with description of (Xcode: Wildcard AppID), is …

xcode ios wildcard provisioning portal
Windows Azure Portal login to portal and receive error "We are having trouble logging you into the portal"

Open browser Navigate to Select portal top right login with my email address Receive the …

windows azure login portal subscription