Creating App Store Distribution Certificate - What to enter in Common Name field?

Greg picture Greg · Dec 20, 2008 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

When creating the app store distribution certificate in the certificate assistant, do I enter my name in the Common Name field, or the company name?

This page says, "In the Common Name field enter your Company/Organization/Department name" while the add certificate area of the portal it says "In the Common Name field, enter your name"


frankodwyer picture frankodwyer · Dec 20, 2008

It needs to match the common name in the distribution certificate the Apple developer site gave you. If you use the keychain access utility you can go look at the certificate to see what that is.

(if you look in your dev configuration, you'll see the same field matches the common name of your developer certificate, which is a different certificate. You'll find that certificate in the keychain too)