Co-Administrator can't see subscription in new Azure portal

sidney.andrews picture sidney.andrews · Sep 12, 2012 · Viewed 17.8k times · Source

Simply, I have an Azure corporate subscription. I have a co-administrator who has his own personal 90-day trial subscription. When the co-administrator uses the new preview portal ( he can see their personal subscription (where he is admin) but cannot select or view the corporate subscription (where he is co-administrator).

Any ideas? We want to have multiple people within our company assigned as co-administrators so they can play with the preview features (Virtual Machines, Azure Web Sites, Media Services).


Irwin picture Irwin · Apr 6, 2016

I had this problem as well, in fact trying to see data via the site was proving unfruitful. As it turns out the new portal has its own user management features that are more granular than the admin/co-admin of the old portal. Allow a subscription owner to make you a contributor or owner in the new portal and you should be able to see more data on the subscription via the new portal. To do that:

  1. As the service administrator, go to the new portal
  2. Browse to Subscriptions
  3. Locate & select the subscription you need to add users into
  4. In the subscription details blade, select settings
  5. Under resource management, select users
  6. You'll notice that even though you are a co-admin, you're not listed among the users.
  7. Add the user and make them a contributor/owner

There's more information on Azure's role-based access control here: