Get the current user Liferay using a simple Java code

Sabrina picture Sabrina · May 4, 2012 · Viewed 26.9k times · Source

I'm working with : Liferay 6.0.6 with JBoss 5.1 and Struts2.

My question is, how to get the current user in Liferay once logged in, using a Java code.


František Hartman picture František Hartman · May 4, 2012

In your doView/processAction method do following

User user = (User) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.USER);

or use the ThemeDisplay object. It contains another information like companyId, groupId, ...

ThemeDisplay td  =(ThemeDisplay)request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
User user = td.getUser();

Classes ThemeDisplay, User nad WebKeys are part of portal-service.jar.

If you need just some id to identify current user you can also use

String userId = request.getRemoteUser();

This solution is not Liferay specific and should be portable among jsr-286 portals.