Top "Phasset" questions

A `PHAsset` is an object in the iOS Photos Framework (aka PhotoKit) that represents an image or video file on the iOS device.

Fetch only photos of type PHAssetMediaTypeImage form asset collection type PHAssetCollectionTypeSmartAlbum

I am using the Photos framework to fetch album list in iOS8. I am able to do it using PHFetchResult *…

ios photolibrary photokit phasset
iOS : How to convert a video PHAsset to NSData

I want to put the videos stored on my iPhone to my Google Drive. I have already done with images, …

ios swift video cloud phasset
Check given PHAsset is iCloud asset?

I'm trying to get PhAsset object. I want to segregate iCloud assets. Here is my code, PHFetchResult *cloudAlbums = [PHAssetCollection fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:…

ios icloud photosframework phasset
UIImage size returned from 'requestImageForAsset' is not even close to the 'targetSize' setting

I've thoroughly read through the latest iOS8 photo frame work and I am trying to fetch some assets from the …

ios memory-management swift uiimage phasset
How to get Original Image and media type from PHAsset?

My **GMImagePickerController** returns the list of selected images from photos app. The code are as follows. - (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)…

ios objective-c ios8 uiimagepickercontroller phasset
iOS 8 Load Images Fast From PHAsset

I have an app that lets people combine up to 4 pictures. However when I let them choose from their photos (…

ios xcode performance swift phasset
How to identify if a PHAsset is not completely downloaded from iCloud (so I need to request again with options.networkAccessAllowed)

The docs say: PHImageResultIsInCloudKey: A Boolean value indicating whether the photo asset data is stored on the local device or …

ios photokit phasset
Swift fetch images and videos from camera roll

I am using "PHAsset" for fetching camera roll assets. I am using PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithMediaType(.Image, options: options) for fetching all …

swift phasset
Connection to assetsd was interrupted or assetsd died

I load photos from PHAssets. I get this error log when I load some images and pass them to another …

ios xcode swift uikit phasset
PHAsset, how to retrieve the specific PHAsset object after app restarts (ios8 Photos)

I used to use ALAssetLibrary. And it has assetForURL function, so that I can save the URL in to NSUserDefaults …

ios iphone photos alassetslibrary phasset