A `PHAsset` is an object in the iOS Photos Framework (aka PhotoKit) that represents an image or video file on the iOS device.
I am using a UIImagePickerController to let the user choose a photo or video to share in the app. When …
ios8 uiimagepickercontroller alassetslibrary phasset photosframeworkI'm trying to grab a thumbnail of the last photo taken on a device using the new Photos framework in …
ios photokit phassetI know that there is already this question on SO, but I don't think that the given answer is satisfying/…
ios swift photosframework phassetI have no idea why this is so difficult. I'm trying to determine the file type of a PHAsset, specifically, …
ios objective-c gif photos phassetWorking with new Photo framework, I can access the NSData of PHAssets using requestImageDataForAsset. I can also access the file …
ios photokit phassetI am using QBImagePickerController for selecting multiple images at a time. So, here is my whole code I am presenting …
ios swift phassetI have an app that uses a UIImagePickerController to retrieve pictures both from camera and from the photos library. In …
ios uiimagepickercontroller phasset