Top "Pdfjs" questions

A general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.

RDLC Local report viewer for ASP.NET Core and Angular(>2.0)

Is there any way to show RDLC Local ReportViewer control in core webpage? To show a ReportViewer, on …

angular reporting-services pdfjs report-viewer2016
Generating thumbnail of a pdf using PDF.js

I would like to generate a thumbnail from a pdf file using PDF.js, but it isn't like anothers js …

javascript php pdfjs
How to highlight text with PDFJS?

I'm creating an app that shows a PDF file among others. I need to implement a search functionality so that …

javascript html pdf mobile pdfjs
How to use PDF.js in Angular 2/4/5?

I'm trying to develop PDfViewer Application using Mozilla's PDF.js (example here). It would be great if there is any …

javascript angular typescript mozilla pdfjs
PDF.JS How to make pdf-js viewer canvas responsive?

I have to display PDF using PDFJS library on my page. The problem is that since I give the scale …

twitter-bootstrap typescript pdfjs
How can I get TypeScript to load the PDF.js NPM module and @types bindings in a way that generates working Node.JS code?

Context I'm trying to import PDF.JS into a TypeScript project. I'm using the DefinitelyTyped bindings for pdfjs-dist, installed via …

node.js typescript import module pdfjs
Creating and showing pdf in Ionic

I am using PDFMAKE to create a base64 encoded pdf and I tried to show it with the Iframe by …

angularjs ionic-framework ionic pdfjs
PDFJs Viewer.html into a div

Does anyone know if viewer.html from pdf.js ( can be …

javascript angularjs html pdfjs
How to give pdf.js worker in Angular CLI application

I used pdf.js directly in angular app for some pdf purposes. It works fine. I imported the pdfjs from …

angular pdfjs
flask render_template with url parameter

I use pdf.js to render pdf in web. The format of the target url like this: http://www.example.…

templates flask pdf.js pdfjs