Generating thumbnail of a pdf using PDF.js

Andre Alvim picture Andre Alvim · Jun 14, 2017 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

I would like to generate a thumbnail from a pdf file using PDF.js, but it isn't like anothers js that have just one file and all needed to include the js in your project is to write:

<script src="any.js"></script>

How can I use PDF.js in my project? I'm using PHP in backend.


async5 picture async5 · Jun 14, 2017

Based on helloworld example:

function makeThumb(page) {
  // draw page to fit into 96x96 canvas
  var vp = page.getViewport(1);
  var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  canvas.width = canvas.height = 96;
  var scale = Math.min(canvas.width / vp.width, canvas.height / vp.height);
  return page.render({canvasContext: canvas.getContext("2d"), viewport: page.getViewport(scale)}).promise.then(function () {
    return canvas;

pdfjsLib.getDocument("").promise.then(function (doc) {
  var pages = []; while (pages.length < doc.numPages) pages.push(pages.length + 1);
  return Promise.all( (num) {
    // create a div for each page and build a small canvas for it
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    return doc.getPage(num).then(makeThumb)
      .then(function (canvas) {
<script src="//"></script>