Top "Pdf-generation" questions

PDF generation is the process of creating a PDF document using various tools or libraries.

iText / BouncyCastle throws "java.lang.VerifyError: class overrides final method equals"

We have an application that creates PDFs unsing jasperreports. It also manipulates said PDFs using iText after they have been …

pdf-generation itext bouncycastle
Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs

I have learned Apple has release CGPDF APIs in SDK 3.2 for drawing PDF context. What I understand from these APIs …

iphone ipad pdf-generation cgpdfdocument
How to Repeat Table Column Headings over Page Breaks in PDF output from ReportLab

I'm using ReportLab to write tables in PDF documents and am very pleased with the results (despite not having a …

pdf-generation reportlab platypus
Export a web-page to a PDF with FPDF

Complicated question with a (hopefully) simple answer. I'm looking into FPDF to export a web-page to a PDF. The web-page …

php pdf-generation fpdf html-to-pdf
Squared characters issue on wkhtmltopdf

I've installed wkhtmltopdf on Centos 5.5. (Since there was library issues, it's been 4 days). It's partly working now. I said partly …

encoding fonts centos pdf-generation wkhtmltopdf
Convert leaflet map snippet to image

I need to export a page that contain leaflet map to pdf. I tried to convert the map container to …

pdf-generation leaflet html-to-pdf
How do you combine PDFs in ruby?

This was asked in 2008. Hopefully there's a better answer now. How can you combine PDFs in ruby? I'm using the …

ruby pdf pdf-generation itext pdftk
Google Docs viewer returning 204 responses, no longer working, alternatives?

UPDATE 2016-11-16 9:53am EST It appears many people are still seeing 204 responses even though Google has claimed to have "…

google-drive-api pdf-generation google-docs google-docs-api
Rails 3 -Render PDF from view and attach to email

I have been using Wicked_pdf to render a view as a PDF and actionmailer to send emails, but I …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 pdf-generation actionmailer wicked-pdf
Internal links in rmarkdown don't work

I use rmarkdown to render pdf documents. Now I want to add internal links in the texts. In the helping …

r pdf-generation r-markdown