Top "Cgpdfdocument" questions

cgpdfdocument is part of Apple's Core Graphics framework.

Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application

I am facing some problem in iPhone application development for "Reading PDF". I have tried following code. I know I …

iphone objective-c xcode pdf cgpdfdocument
Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs

I have learned Apple has release CGPDF APIs in SDK 3.2 for drawing PDF context. What I understand from these APIs …

iphone ipad pdf-generation cgpdfdocument
PDF viewing/annotating library for iPhone?

I am currently working on an educational project where I would like to add some PDF reading functionality to an …

iphone pdf cgpdfdocument
How to access hyperlinks in PDF documents (iPhone)?

Is it possible to get access to "internal" links in PDF documents using CGPDFDocument, or other means? I'm building a …

iphone pdf hyperlink cgpdfdocument
Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?

It is possible to use JavaScript to set the pixel y-offset of a UIWebView, e.g.: [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"…

iphone pdf uiwebview cgpdfdocument
How to get actual pdf page size in iPad?

How can I get PDF page width and height in iPad? Any document or suggestions on how I can find …

iphone ipad pdf core-graphics cgpdfdocument
CGPDFDocumentRef from NSData

I get my PDF from SQLite DB into a NSData variable. Now what are my options to create CGPDFDocumentRef from …

iphone sqlite pdf nsdata cgpdfdocument
Rendering a CGPDFPage into a UIImage

I'm trying to render a CGPDFPage (selected from a CGPDFDocument) into a UIImage to display on a view. I have …

iphone ios uiimage xamarin.ios cgpdfdocument