Top "Paypal" questions

For questions about the PayPal API used by software developers to process payments, manage invoices, monitor accounts, etc.

Builing a cart with multiple items and the PayPal button in PHP

I'm building a shopping cart in PHP and want to allow customers to enter the quantity for each item and …

php paypal shopping-cart
Send Paypal Recurring Payments commands with IPN Simulator

I am working with recurring payments (Express Checkout) and I have an IPN listener receiving messages. All is running fine …

paypal paypal-sandbox paypal-ipn recurring-billing
Paypal REST API Adaptive / Multiple Payments (change payee)

I've just started looking at Paypal's REST api. One thing I can't seem to see is a feature paypal call …

paypal paypal-sandbox paypal-adaptive-payments
PHP verify PayPal Donation

How can I verify a paypal donation? In the user panel I have a donate button. And once someone actually …

php paypal verify
Paypal Direct Payment API

Is there any up to date documentation out there on how to use the Paypal direct payment API?

php shopping-cart paypal
The new version of admob not pay via Paypal

I just got an email that says "Switch to the new version of AdMob today" With various links. This seems …

paypal admob payment
How can I charge a recurring monthly subscription fee for my website?

My business is setting up online billing using PayPal and Google checkout. I'm looking for the best way to charge …

paypal google-checkout recurring-billing
Paypal recurring payment ipn

I have a little question about recurring payments in paypal. Example: I start a recurring payment, 20$ for each month during 1 …

paypal payment paypal-ipn recurring
Paypal IPN override charset

i have a problem with this paypal IPN. I saw, a lot of people had. I try to pay as …

php utf-8 character-encoding paypal paypal-ipn
How to use Paypal adaptive payments with IPN?

I am using the adaptive payment system from Paypal. Using a sandbox account, I was able to make a PayRequest …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-adaptive-payments