Top "Paypal" questions

For questions about the PayPal API used by software developers to process payments, manage invoices, monitor accounts, etc.

Android in app donations

I have searched and found that Google has no feature for in app donations to app developers, only in app …

java android paypal google-play google-play-services
PayPal Checkout Buttons and Custom Variables

I have created a rather simple photo gallery that I wish to apply PayPal Checkout buttons. The basics are simple …

paypal checkout
PayPal express checkout handling "pending payments" with IPN

I cant find anny clear documentations about this. If you use paypal express checkout, when a payment is pending what …

paypal paypal-ipn
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.System.Net.WebException

I am using PayPalStandard plugin of NopCommerce. When I placed the order & make payment with paypalstandard plugin after successful … paypal paypal-sandbox nopcommerce
PayPal IPN with CodeIgniter

I am trying to implement a membership subscription service on a website built in CodeIgniter. I wish to use PayPal …

php codeigniter paypal paypal-ipn
Validate that IPN call is from PayPal?

How can I validate that a PayPal IPN POST request to my specified notifyURL is indeed coming from PayPal? I …

php security paypal paypal-ipn
Where is the return URL option in the Paypal sandbox?

According to Paypal's documentation, one sets a return URL like so: Log in to your PayPal account at https://www.…

paypal paypal-sandbox
A worthy developer-friendly alternative to PayPal

I understand payments are a tricky thing, but I'm yet to find a worthy alternative to PayPal. I want to …

paypal payment-gateway payment credit-card
Why is DoExpressCheckoutPayment required for Paypal?

I am trying to build a very simple paypal-backed shopping cart so users can purchase multiple items. I want paypal …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
Paypal donation tracking with progress bar

I am designing and building a website for a non-profit. They want a PayPal Donate button and I'd like to …

php api paypal tracking donations