Top "Paypal-sandbox" questions

The PayPal Sandbox is a self-contained environment within which you can prototype and test PayPal features and APIs.

Test credit card numbers for use with PayPal sandbox

I'm having trouble testing credit card payments with PayPal's sandbox. When viewing a buyer's sandbox account's profile from within developer.…

paypal paypal-sandbox
Newtonsoft.Json Assembly Conflict

I use Netonsoft.Json in my project. It works fine until I start integrating Paypal SDK in my Project. My …

c# .net-assembly paypal-sandbox
Paypal IPN always return "payment_status: Pending" on sandbox?

I'm trying to implement PayPal on my website. I use this class: Right now …

php paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
How to log in in Sandbox Paypal Account?

Paypal have recently changed their user interface in developers.paypal and as such, I couldn't find out the place from …

Can I test paypal api's from localhost

UPDATE 1: According to this tutorial on Using PayPal's Instant Payment Notification with PHP, PayPal cannot access locally hosted websites unless …

php paypal paypal-sandbox
Disable shipping address option in PayPal Express Checkout

Working with the PayPal API and using the Name-Value Pair Interface PHP source codes from SDKs and Downloads: Simplify Integrations …

php paypal paypal-sandbox
How to configure paypal sandbox auto return URL?

I am using ubercart module in Drupal, and I need help to configure return URL from PayPal sandbox. I tried …

paypal paypal-sandbox ubercart
Paypal sandbox IPN return INVALID

I am trying IPN callback, using servlet. The code I am using is provided by paypal for verifying the ipn …

paypal sandbox paypal-sandbox
How to set up a PayPal sandbox "Seller" account, a "Buyer" account and an Application Tutorial

I am trying to set up a Web site which is using PayPal. Unfortunately the PayPal developer site/concept is …

paypal paypal-sandbox
Paypal Sandbox Test Tool IPN Simulator in Localhost

How to use Instant Payment Notification Simulator in local machine? What will be provided in IPN handler URL? I don't …

paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox