Top "Paypal-sandbox" questions

The PayPal Sandbox is a self-contained environment within which you can prototype and test PayPal features and APIs.

Android In-App-Purchase, how to check if user have purchased one item

is that OK and safe to set a value in SharedPreference to flag that the user have purchased this item? …

android paypal in-app-purchase paypal-sandbox in-app-billing
Paypal PDT error 4003

After many hours of messing about and trying to set up what should be the relatively simple process of sending …

php paypal paypal-sandbox eclipse-pdt
PayPal express checkout billing addresses in sandbox

I have tried enabling receiving billing addresses with PayPal sandbox by adding the following option: REQBILLINGADDRESS=1 (documented here: https://www.…

paypal paypal-sandbox express-checkout
Paypal Developer/Sandbox new interface: cannot login with test accounts

I'm having problems on login with my test accounts since they've changed the interface. I was forced …

paypal paypal-sandbox
Paypal SandBox IPN History

I use paypal for my payments. For verification i use IPN. Can i review my INP History in the Paypal …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
PayPal Subscription/Notify_URL NOT being called (works under Sandbox)

I don't get it.. I tested out the subscription button in Sandbox mode and it ran through successfully. The test-business …

php paypal paypal-subscriptions paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox