Top "Express-checkout" questions

Express Checkout is a PayPal API payment system that allows users to accept payments from PayPal accounts.

PayPal: express checkout pay without account

Is it possible to do an express checkout payment in PayPal without an account? I remember that I saw it …

paypal express-checkout
Paypal API: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts

I am working with the paypal express checkout API and am having issues with setting the quantity. Below are my …

php paypal express-checkout
IPN was not sent, and the handshake was not verified. Please review your information.

I am working with Expresscheckout on Paypal, For single time Users payment integration. Working flow 1st create token and user …

paypal paypal-ipn express-checkout
Coupon Code For Paypal Express Checkout

I'm using Paypal Express Checkout system on my website. But I want to put a coupon (discount) code area. It …

paypal express-checkout
Problems with Paypal SetExpressCheckout when using NVP API in

Hi, I am implementing the intergration between my Facebook game and Paypal's express checkout payment service. My website is developed … api paypal nvp express-checkout
How can I get credit card CVV in PayPal test account?

It looks like PayPal was purblind on this. After I create a test account with a credit card, PayPal provide …

paypal paypal-sandbox express-checkout
10001 paypal internal error: timeout processing request Express Checkout

First of all, i dont have a Bussiness Account, so if that is the problem, just tell me, because is …

paypal express-checkout
Third Party Permission Username Paypal API Magento

I need to use paypal credentials (username, password, signature) for my magento2 store. For credentials, I logged in to my …

api paypal magento2 credentials express-checkout
PayPal express checkout billing addresses in sandbox

I have tried enabling receiving billing addresses with PayPal sandbox by adding the following option: REQBILLINGADDRESS=1 (documented here: https://www.…

paypal paypal-sandbox express-checkout