Top "Paypal-sandbox" questions

The PayPal Sandbox is a self-contained environment within which you can prototype and test PayPal features and APIs.

PayPal API credentials for sandbox

I'm trying to implement recurring payments with PayPal in PHP. I found this example, which I'm looking into, but I …

paypal paypal-sandbox
How to send multiple items to PayPal

I want to send multiple item names and item prices to PayPal but I am unable to post my item …

paypal paypal-sandbox
create buynow button for sandbox account

I'm new to paypal development and am trying to create a BuyNow button in the sandbox to enable me to …

paypal paypal-sandbox
Paypal express checkout error Order total is missing. Error 10400

i have problem, i`m trying to send multiple items to Paypal but it shows "Order total is missing." - 10400 …

php paypal paypal-sandbox
How to debug the PayPal debug_id?

We're using PayPal Vault Rest API for our payment features. It was working fine in sandbox, but it started giving …

php paypal-sandbox paypal-rest-sdk paypal-vault
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.System.Net.WebException

I am using PayPalStandard plugin of NopCommerce. When I placed the order & make payment with paypalstandard plugin after successful … paypal paypal-sandbox nopcommerce
Where is the return URL option in the Paypal sandbox?

According to Paypal's documentation, one sets a return URL like so: Log in to your PayPal account at https://www.…

paypal paypal-sandbox
Why is DoExpressCheckoutPayment required for Paypal?

I am trying to build a very simple paypal-backed shopping cart so users can purchase multiple items. I want paypal …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
Paypal Sandbox Do Direct Payment Internal Error 10001 Timeout Processing Request

This is in an MVC2 project, so I'm using C# in ASP. This is what I'm sending to https://api-3… web-services paypal paypal-sandbox
Sandbox cannot add funds

I'm having grief with the new PayPal Developer site and Sandbox. I've created a personal account in the Developer but …
