For questions about the PayPal API used by software developers to process payments, manage invoices, monitor accounts, etc.
This is not a duplicate of this post. I quote from the linked post: As of June 29, 2017 I see this …
php paypal paypal-rest-sdkI am implementing Paypal's new REST API Pay with Paypal method that can be referenced here:…
rest paypal paypal-sandboxI was trying to create Payflow Pro Sandbox account but i got to know that we have to use live …
paypal paypal-sandbox payflowproWith the recent revamp of the PayPal developer site, I have encountered many problems trying to test my site with …
paypal sandbox paypal-sandboxI'm trying to develop a simple application that will enable users to purchase services off a website through the Paypal …
c# paypal paypal-sandboxI've gone through the (not so helpful) PayPal docs and can't find an easy answer to this problem. When the …
paypal query-string eclipse-pdtI'm developing an iPhone app with a subscription model, and I saw this iOS PayPal library: Apple takes 30% of revenue …
ios paypal app-store appstore-approvalCould anybody recommend a up-to-date class (or payment system) for handling paypal recurring payments with PHP? Thank you! UPDATE: I …
php paypal paypal-subscriptionsI'm having trouble writing a PHP listener script for Paypal notification webhooks. I simply need a script to listen for …
php json paypal webhooks paypal-webhooksWe know there are so many payment gateway service providers namely paypal, moneybrookers, and many national and international …
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