Top "Opus" questions

Opus or Opus Audio Codec is a lossy audio compression format developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that is particularly suitable for interactive real-time applications over the Internet.

Decoding Opus audio data

I am trying to decode an Opus file back to raw 48 kHz. However I am unable to find any sample …

c++ windows audio codec opus
Makefile needed for compiling the Opus Codec for Android

I am trying to compile the opus audio codec ( for use in an Android application. …

android-ndk arm opus
how to play .opus audio file in android?

I'm developing an app for Recognize speech using google cloud speech APi and recording audio simultaneously. git link I tried …

android audio android-mediarecorder opus google-cloud-speech
How can I use Opus Codec from JavaScript

I would like to see if it's possible to have direct access to Opus using getUserMedia or anything similar from …

javascript html speech-recognition getusermedia opus
Python : PortAudio + Opus encoding/decoding

I'm capturing audio from my mic with Pyaudio and trying to encode/decode it with the opus codec. I'm using …

python portaudio pyaudio opus
SoX doesn't work with Opus Audio files

I am recording input microphone from a web page with WebRTC and process it through SoX. Problem is, Firefox recordings …

audio type-conversion ogg sox opus