I am trying to compile the opus audio codec (http://www.opus-codec.org/downloads/) for use in an Android application. I am using Android NDK (release 6) to compile my libraries. Up to now, the native C libraries that I had to compile for my application has been pretty straightforward and I have been able to base my Android.mk files in jni mostly on tutorials or other examples. However, the compilation of Opus looks to be somewhat more complex. The tar.gz archive contains a solution file for compiling the libraries for Windows and it also contains some Makefiles for a standard Unix implementation, but translating these into an Android.mk makefile for use by the Android NDK is a bit of a challenge.
I have searched, but have been unable to find an online version for the Android makefile to compile libopus. Can someone perhaps link me to such a makefile? Alternatively, I might be missing something simpler? Is it perhaps possible to use Automake or some kind of converter to maybe generate the Android.mk file for me from the unix makefile that is already included in the tar.gz?
The following is the Android.mk makefile that eventually worked for me. I hope this can help someone else too in future. Do take note that in the unix makefile included in the Opus Archive, the decision of whether to use the fixed or float silk sources is defined as an "ifdef" whereas here I am using "fixed". (To use "float" would be simple - simply update the paths "silk/fixed" to point to "silk/float" and update the CFLAGS.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
$(subst $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/,,$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/src/*.c*)) \
$(subst $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/,,$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/celt/*.c*)) \
$(subst $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/,,$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/silk/*.c*)) \
$(subst $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/,,$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/silk/fixed/*.c*))
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lm -llog
$(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/include \
$(ROOT_DIR)/$(MY_MODULE_DIR)/silk/fixed \
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -ffast-math -O3 -funroll-loops