Top "Getusermedia" questions

Access to media data streams--webcam video, microphone audio--from browser Javascript.

Stop/Close webcam stream which is opened by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia

I opened a webcam by using the following JavaScript code: const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ /* ... */ }); Is there any JavaScript …

javascript html html5-video webrtc getusermedia
reprompt for permissions with getUserMedia() after initial denial

How do we go about requesting camera/microphone access with getUserMedia() after being denied once? I'm working with getUserMedia to …

javascript webrtc getusermedia
How can I capture an image via the user's webcam using getUserMedia?

I want to make a program on the web which will capture an image via the user's webcam. I am …

javascript html getusermedia
Turn off webcam/camera after using getUserMedia

I'm developing a Chrome Extension that uses the background page to access the user's webcam. Users are given the option …

javascript google-chrome-extension getusermedia
HTML5 getUserMedia record webcam, both audio and video

Is it possible to use Chrome to capture video (webcam) and audio (microphone) from the browser and then save the …

html getusermedia
getUserMedia() in chrome 47 without using https

In chrome version 47 they force you to use https to be allow using getUserMedia(). Unfortunately, I can't use https in …

javascript google-chrome permission-denied getusermedia
HTML5 capture and save video

I am building a site for sing-alongs where the user can capture a video of themselves singing along with an …

javascript html video-streaming getusermedia
stop the webcam streaming of getUserMedia without page refreshing

I am trying to close the webcam with javascript function (it has to be closed after receive some Ajax response), …

javascript webrtc getusermedia
NotReadableError: Failed to allocate videosource

I get this error in Firefox 51 when I try to execute the following code and when I select my laptop's …

javascript html getusermedia
GetUserMedia - facingmode

I am currently using an Android tablet and GetUserMedia to take pictures in my program. Apparently, the default camera used …

javascript getusermedia