I am trying to decode an Opus file back to raw 48 kHz. However I am unable to find any sample code to do that.
My current code is this:
void COpusCodec::Decode(unsigned char* encoded, short* decoded, unsigned int len)
int max_size=960*6;//not sure about this one
int error;
dec = opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, &error);//decode to 48kHz mono
int frame_size=opus_decode(dec, encoded, len, decoded, max_size, 0);
The argument "encoded" might be larger amounts of data, so I think I have to split it into frames. I am not sure how I could do that.
And with being a beginner with Opus, I am really afraid to mess something up.
Could anybody perhaps help?
I think the opus_demo.c
program from the source tarball has what you want.
It's pretty complicated though, because of all the unrelated code pertaining to
Removing all these bits is a very tedious job, as it turns out. But once you do, you end up with pretty clean, understandable code, see below.
Note that I
Mostly because it doesn't seem to complicate the code, and you might be interested in it.
I tested this program in two ways:
was correctly decoded using this stripped decoder). The test wav was ~23Mb, 2.9Mb compressed../opus_demo -d 48000 1 <opus-file> <pcm-file>
. The resultant file had the same md5sum
checksum as the one decoded using the stripped decoder here.MAJOR UPDATE I C++-ified the code. This should get you somewhere using iostreams.
now; this loop could be made 'asynchronous' (i.e. it could be made to return, and continue reading when new data arrives (on the next invocation of your Decode
, unique_ptr
) for exception safety and robustness.OpusErrorException
class deriving from std::exception
which is used to propagate errors from libopus
See all the code + Makefile here: https://github.com/sehe/opus/tree/master/contrib
[1] for true async IO (e.g. network or serial communinication) consider using Boost Asio, see e.g. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/networking/iostreams.html
// (c) Seth Heeren 2013
// Based on src/opus_demo.c in opus-1.0.2
// License see http://www.opus-codec.org/license/
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <iosfwd>
struct OpusErrorException : public virtual std::exception
OpusErrorException(int code) : code(code) {}
const char* what() const noexcept;
const int code;
struct COpusCodec
COpusCodec(int32_t sampling_rate, int channels);
bool decode_frame(std::istream& fin, std::ostream& fout);
struct Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> _pimpl;
// (c) Seth Heeren 2013
// Based on src/opus_demo.c in opus-1.0.2
// License see http://www.opus-codec.org/license/
#include "COpusCodec.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "opus.h"
#define MAX_PACKET 1500
const char* OpusErrorException::what() const noexcept
return opus_strerror(code);
// I'd suggest reading with boost::spirit::big_dword or similar
static uint32_t char_to_int(char ch[4])
return static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch[0])<<24) |
static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch[1])<<16) |
static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch[2])<< 8) |
static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch[3])<< 0);
struct COpusCodec::Impl
Impl(int32_t sampling_rate = 48000, int channels = 1)
_decoder(nullptr, &opus_decoder_destroy),
_state(_max_frame_size, MAX_PACKET, channels)
int err = OPUS_OK;
auto raw = opus_decoder_create(sampling_rate, _channels, &err);
_decoder.reset(err == OPUS_OK? raw : throw OpusErrorException(err) );
bool decode_frame(std::istream& fin, std::ostream& fout)
char ch[4] = {0};
if (!fin.read(ch, 4) && fin.eof())
return false;
uint32_t len = char_to_int(ch);
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid payload length");
fin.read(ch, 4);
const uint32_t enc_final_range = char_to_int(ch);
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_state.data.front());
size_t read = 0ul;
for (auto append_position = data; fin && read<len; append_position += read)
read += fin.readsome(append_position, len-read);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Ran out of input, expecting " << len << " bytes got " << read << " at " << fin.tellg();
throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
int output_samples;
const bool lost = (len==0);
opus_decoder_ctl(_decoder.get(), OPUS_GET_LAST_PACKET_DURATION(&output_samples));
output_samples = _max_frame_size;
output_samples = opus_decode(
lost ? NULL : _state.data.data(),
for(int i=0; i<(output_samples)*_channels; i++)
short s;
_state.fbytes[2*i] = s&0xFF;
_state.fbytes[2*i+1] = (s>>8)&0xFF;
if(!fout.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_state.fbytes.data()), sizeof(short)* _channels * output_samples))
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing");
throw OpusErrorException(output_samples); // negative return is error code
uint32_t dec_final_range;
opus_decoder_ctl(_decoder.get(), OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE(&dec_final_range));
/* compare final range encoder rng values of encoder and decoder */
&& !lost && !_state.lost_prev
&& dec_final_range != enc_final_range)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Error: Range coder state mismatch between encoder and decoder in frame " << _state.frameno << ": " <<
"0x" << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned long)enc_final_range <<
"0x" << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned long)dec_final_range;
throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
_state.lost_prev = lost;
return true;
const int _channels;
const int _max_frame_size = 960*6;
std::unique_ptr<OpusDecoder, void(*)(OpusDecoder*)> _decoder;
struct State
State(int max_frame_size, int max_payload_bytes, int channels) :
out (max_frame_size*channels),
data (max_payload_bytes)
{ }
std::vector<short> out;
std::vector<unsigned char> fbytes, data;
int32_t frameno = 0;
bool lost_prev = true;
State _state;
COpusCodec::COpusCodec(int32_t sampling_rate, int channels)
: _pimpl(std::unique_ptr<Impl>(new Impl(sampling_rate, channels)))
// this instantiates the pimpl deletor code on the, now-complete, pimpl class
bool COpusCodec::decode_frame(
std::istream& fin,
std::ostream& fout)
return _pimpl->decode_frame(fin, fout);
// (c) Seth Heeren 2013
// Based on src/opus_demo.c in opus-1.0.2
// License see http://www.opus-codec.org/license/
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "COpusCodec.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc != 3)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <input> <output>\n";
return 255;
std::basic_ifstream<char> fin (argv[1], std::ios::binary);
std::basic_ofstream<char> fout(argv[2], std::ios::binary);
if(!fin) throw std::runtime_error("Could not open input file");
if(!fout) throw std::runtime_error("Could not open output file");
COpusCodec codec(48000, 1);
size_t frames = 0;
while(codec.decode_frame(fin, fout))
std::cout << "Successfully decoded " << frames << " frames\n";
catch(OpusErrorException const& e)
std::cerr << "OpusErrorException: " << e.what() << "\n";
return 255;