Top "Openerp-7" questions

OpenERP is an open source alternative to SAP ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite, Adempiere, Compiere, OFBiz, Openbravo, and other enterprise resource planning software.

How to use related fields (fields.related) in odoo-8?

I am trying to retrieve comment field(customer internal notes) from res_partner to account invoice module.Right now I …

python-2.7 openerp openerp-7 odoo-8
report designer in Odoo / OpenERP 8

I've installed Odoo 8, and now I want to create some custom Invoice templates. I can see, in OpenERP 7, we've base_…

report openerp-7 odoo openoffice-writer openerp-8
How to create record adding one2many values?

Let say I have such classes: class First(orm.Model): _name = 'first.class' _columns = { 'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.…

python openerp openerp-7
how to display openerp error message

In my student module I inherited res.partner. And I want to restrict to modify name in partner view if …

python openerp openerp-7 odoo
What is self.pool.get() in python and odoo?

I assume it is used to refer fields in other modules in openerp, but I am not sure. Here they …

openerp openerp-7
how to integrate Odoo with MySQL

I am trying to integrate Odoo(openerp-8) with MySQL on ubuntu server, to get the database access instead of postgresql. …

mysql odoo openerp-7 odoo-8 openerp-8
Pop up the window of exsiting view through click event in odoo

I have created a button in jobs by using inheritance in (hr.recruitment form view) , how could I open another …

python odoo openerp-7 odoo-8 openerp-8
How to check if one2many field is empty in openerp xml views

I'm trying to make some field invisible if another field ( which is one2many ) has no value ( is empty). I'm …

xml openerp odoo openerp-7 erp
Import products into odoo (openerp)

I would like to import some products into odoo/openerp for the point of sale module. Howewer I have a …

openerp openerp-7 odoo openerp-8
Yum not installing certain packages on CentOS 7

I have been trying to solve this problem, but no luck. I am trying to install OpenERP 7.0 on CentOS 7. I …

python yum openerp-7 centos7