Top "Openerp-7" questions

OpenERP is an open source alternative to SAP ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite, Adempiere, Compiere, OFBiz, Openbravo, and other enterprise resource planning software.

OpenERP 7 How to give users access to custom module in OpenERP 7?

I have developed a custom Module in OpenERP 7, My administrator user can only see this module. 1-How can I give …

What is the difference between OpenERP and Odoo?

What all are the difference between OpenERP and Odoo. I know Odoo(v8) is lastest version of OpenERP(v7) and …

openerp odoo openerp-7 odoo-8
How to install OpenERP on Mac OS X Mavericks?

I want to install OpenERP v7 on Mac OS X. How can I install it? I tried to install it …

python macos postgresql openerp openerp-7
Inheritance in openERP (odoo)

I am new in openERP and have an interview. Please explain the idea of different types of inheritance in openERP, …

oop openerp odoo openerp-7 openerp-8