Top "Odoo-8" questions

Odoo S.A. is the software vendor of the Odoo Apps (formerly OpenERP).

Which are the available domain operators in Openerp / Odoo?

I know few operator in openerp domain. I dont get the details of available domains and their explanation. Particularly for …

openerp operators odoo-8
odoo context field. default value for popup

I work with Odoo(v9). I have custom: form(for model 1), action and popup with form(for model 2). Here example …

python openerp xml-rpc odoo-8 odoo-9
ImportError: No module named win32service

I am using odoo8 with python 2.7.9 (64 bit) on eclipse IDE. Python software got corrupted so I had to reinstall it.…

python openerp odoo-8
How to set default values with methods in Odoo?

How to compute the value for default value in object fields in Odoo 8 We can't use the _default …

python python-2.7 odoo odoo-8 default-value
How to use related fields (fields.related) in odoo-8?

I am trying to retrieve comment field(customer internal notes) from res_partner to account invoice module.Right now I …

python-2.7 openerp openerp-7 odoo-8
How to install wkhtmltopdf patched qt without compiling?

I'm using google cloud instance for host Odoo, somo reports print to pdf ok, but other with custom paperformat get …

qt openerp wkhtmltopdf odoo-8
Odoo 8: Many2many domain filter

I have several organization types with a many2many relation describing which types that may be parent to other types (…

openerp odoo-8
How to get JSON data in an Odoo controller using type='json'?

A few days ago I did a similar question here: How to get JSON data in an Odoo controller? But …

json python-2.7 controller odoo-8 odoo
What is a "worker" in Odoo?

What is the purpose of workers? Are these workers for multi-threading or something else? When the Odoo instance start I …

multithreading odoo odoo-8 python-multithreading worker
Creating New Groups in Odoo

I have created a new Groups which is a Personnel Group, But in the View Metadata the new Group I've …

openerp odoo odoo-8 openerp-8