Top "Openerp-8" questions

Odoo S.A. is the software vendor of the Odoo Apps (formerly OpenERP).

How to make field readonly based on group and status?

I want to make field readony based on group, and status. Like i have two grops 1. Manager Group 2. User Group …

openerp openerp-8
What is Main difference between @api.onchange and @api.depends in Odoo(openerp)?

In Odoo v8 there are many API decorators used. But i don't understand the main difference between @api.depends and @…

openerp odoo openerp-8
Template inheritance in odoo

I want to create a new theme for odoo. I have done it by create a new module and install …

openerp odoo openerp-8
report designer in Odoo / OpenERP 8

I've installed Odoo 8, and now I want to create some custom Invoice templates. I can see, in OpenERP 7, we've base_…

report openerp-7 odoo openoffice-writer openerp-8
How to do debugging in odoo on browser

How to debug in "Odoo" special in browses like Chrome and Firefox??? Would anybody provide information, it will be great. …

openerp odoo openerp-8
Creating New Groups in Odoo

I have created a new Groups which is a Personnel Group, But in the View Metadata the new Group I've …

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After odoo installation, either CSS nor JS are found

After a lot of tries, I could finally install odoo 8, however, when I connect to it, browser redirects to /web/…

python-2.7 odoo openerp-8 odoo-8
When to use and api.multi in odoo | openerp?

Recently odoo (formerly OpenERP) V8 has been released. In new API method decorators are introduced. in methods needs …

openerp odoo openerp-8
How to remove the Powered by Odoo #1 Open Source eCommerce footer from front end of Odoo 8?

How do you remove the backlinks from the public front end of Odoo 8? Location: lower right corner of the page, …

javascript python odoo openerp-8 qweb
Odoo - log archiving?

In older versions log archiving was on default and it would archive (mv older log to different log file) daily …

logging openerp odoo openerp-8