Top "Observablecollection" questions

ObservableCollection is a .NET collection class that sends event notifications when items are added, removed, replaced, moved, or reordered in the collection, or when the entire contents of the collection are replaced.

Converting an array to an ObservableCollection

In a C# application the following array is used: CProject[] projectArray = this.proxy.getProjectList(username, password); However I need the …

c# arrays observablecollection
How To Prevent WPF DataGrid From De-Selecting SelectedItem When Items Updated?

My scenario: I have a background thread that polls for changes and periodically updates a WPF DataGrid's ObservableCollection (MVVM-style). The …

c# wpf multithreading datagrid observablecollection
MVVM - implementing 'IsDirty' functionality to a ModelView in order to save data

Being new to WPF & MVVM I struggling with some basic functionality. Let me first explain what I am after, …

c# wpf mvvm observablecollection
ObservableCollection PropertyChanged event

OK so I want to subclass ObservableCollection to add a property to it. Unfortunately the PropertyChanged event is protected. Basically …

c# wpf mvvm observablecollection propertychanged
Implementing INotifyCollectionChanged interface

I need to implement a collection with special capabilities. In addition, I want to bind this collection to a ListView, …

wpf data-binding observablecollection inotifycollectionchanged
WPF ObservableCollection<T> vs BindingList<T>

In my WPF app I have a XamDataGrid. The grid is bound to an ObservableCollection. I need to allow users …

c# wpf data-binding observablecollection infragistics
Merged ObservableCollection

I have two ObservableCollections and I need to show them in one ListView control together. For this purpose I created …

c# wpf collections merge observablecollection
Why ObservableCollection does not have a RemoveAll method?

Why ObservableCollection doesn't has the RemoveAll method like a List? I have implemented an extension method to provide this functionality …

.net wpf observablecollection
Cannot change ObservableCollection during a CollectionChanged event

I have a CollectionChanged event that is tied to an ObservableCollection. This CollectionChanged event then calls another function which is …

c# .net observablecollection
Why aren't classes like BindingList or ObservableCollection thread-safe?

Time and time again I find myself having to write thread-safe versions of BindingList and ObservableCollection because, when bound to …

c# .net thread-safety observablecollection bindinglist