Top "Observablecollection" questions

ObservableCollection is a .NET collection class that sends event notifications when items are added, removed, replaced, moved, or reordered in the collection, or when the entire contents of the collection are replaced.

WPF MVVM INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation - Model or ViewModel

I have read a number of debates on where to implement INotifyPropertyChanged here on StackOverflow and other blogs but it …

wpf data-binding mvvm observablecollection inotifypropertychanged
.NET ObservableDictionary

I have written the following class which implements(or tries to!) a dictionary with notifications: public partial class ObservableDictionary<…

c# .net observablecollection dictionary
A better way of forcing data bound WPF ListBox to update?

I have WPF ListBox which is bound to a ObservableCollection, when the collection changes, all items update their position. The …

wpf data-binding listbox observablecollection
How to search an item and get its index in Observable Collection

public struct PLU { public int ID { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public double price { get; set; } public int …

c# .net struct observablecollection
When Clearing an ObservableCollection, There are No Items in e.OldItems

I have something here that is really catching me off guard. I have an ObservableCollection of T that is filled …

wpf observablecollection
Remove an item from an ObservableCollection in a CollectionChanged event handler

I'm hoping to be able to reject some items after they have been added to an ObservableCollection. I am not …

c# observablecollection
RemoveAll for ObservableCollections?

I am looking for Linq way (like RemoveAll method for List) which can remove selected items from my ObservableCollection. I …

c# observablecollection removeall
How can I raise a CollectionChanged event on an ObservableCollection, and pass it the changed items?

I have a class that inherits from ObservableCollection and adds a few additional methods such as AddRange and RemoveRange My …

c# wpf observablecollection inotifycollectionchanged
how to sort ObservableCollection

I have a an ObservableCollection and a WPF UserControl is Databound to it. The Control is a graph that shows …

wpf sorting observablecollection icollectionview
Add elements from IList to ObservableCollection

I have an ObservableCollection, and I'd like to set the content of an IList to this one. Now I could …

c# list observablecollection