Top "Observablecollection" questions

ObservableCollection is a .NET collection class that sends event notifications when items are added, removed, replaced, moved, or reordered in the collection, or when the entire contents of the collection are replaced.

WPF ComboBox Binding to ObservableCollection

I'm new to WPF And I have a question. I have the Organization module: class Organization : ObservableObject { public string OrganizationName { …

c# wpf mvvm combobox observablecollection
How to remove DataGrid's blank row when binding to a ObservableCollection<T>?

I'm getting nuts here with this: ObservableCollection<Employee> list = new ObservableCollection<Employee>(); dgEmployees.ItemsSource = list; When …

datagrid observablecollection wpftoolkit
How to copy observable collection

I have Observablecollection<A> aRef = new Observablecollection<A>(); bRef = aRef(); In this case both point to …

wpf copy observablecollection
What's the best way to update an ObservableCollection from another thread?

I am using the BackgroundWorker to update an ObservableCollection but it gives this error: "This type of CollectionView does not …

c# .net multithreading parallel-processing observablecollection
How to make ObservableCollection thread-safe?

System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. I am adding/removing from an ObservableCollection which is not …

c# thread-safety xamarin observablecollection
ObservableCollection and threading

I have an ObservableCollection in my class. And further into my class I have a thread. From this thread I …

c# wpf multithreading observablecollection
How can I refresh a combobox after modifying its ItemsSource ObservableCollection

The problems is simple: when ItemsSource is updated Combobox doesn't "refresh" e.g. new items don't appear to be added …

wpf xaml data-binding mvvm observablecollection
Filter an observable collection

I have a ListView control that displays items from an observable collection. These items need to be filtered. I am …

wpf listview data-binding filtering observablecollection
WPF Combobox not updating when collection is changed

I am new to WPF. I am trying to bind collection of string to combobox. public ObservableCollection<string> …

c# wpf binding combobox observablecollection
Sorting an observable collection with linq

I have an observable collection and I sort it using linq. Everything is great, but the problem I have is …

linq silverlight observablecollection