Top "Inotifycollectionchanged" questions

is a .NET interface for providing collection subscribers notification on changes, mostly used in WPF UI binding.

How can I raise a CollectionChanged event on an ObservableCollection, and pass it the changed items?

I have a class that inherits from ObservableCollection and adds a few additional methods such as AddRange and RemoveRange My …

c# wpf observablecollection inotifycollectionchanged
Observable Stack and Queue

I'm looking for an INotifyCollectionChanged implementation of Stack and Queue. I could roll my own but I don't want to …

c# stack queue inotifycollectionchanged
what is notifycollectionchangedaction reset value

I have an observable collection...SelectableDataContext<T>..And in the generic class SelectableDataContext<T> is...having …

wpf mvvm reset inotifycollectionchanged
WPF: How do I hook into a ListView's ItemsSource CollectionChanged notification?

I have a ListView that is databound to an ObservableCollection ... <ListView x:Name="List1" ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}" /> I …

wpf listview observablecollection itemssource inotifycollectionchanged
INotifyCollectionChanged is not updating the UI

I have a class as shown below. All the functions I have removed for brevity public class PersonCollection:IList<…

c# wpf inotifycollectionchanged
Observable Collection Notify when property changed in MVVM

I am trying to bind observable collection to DataGrid, i want to notify when any row is edited in datagrid. …

mvvm observablecollection inotifypropertychanged inotifycollectionchanged
Implementing INotifyCollectionChanged interface

I need to implement a collection with special capabilities. In addition, I want to bind this collection to a ListView, …

wpf data-binding observablecollection inotifycollectionchanged
INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged with DataTable?

Hi i am having some troube with DataTables. So What i need is to detect whenever i change any cell …

wpf binding inotifypropertychanged inotifycollectionchanged