Top "Addrange" questions

Is there an AddRange equivalent for a HashSet in C#

With a list you can do: list.AddRange(otherCollection); There is no add range method in a HashSet. What is …

c# collections hashset addrange
How to add a range of items to an IList?

There is no AddRange() method for IList<T>. How can I add a list of items to an …

c# list collections addrange
Add Range of items to list without duplication

I have a List of List of Strings, and I need to use the AddRange() Function to add set of …

c# list distinct addrange
ToCharArray equivalent for List<string>

How do you split a string to a List? I'm looking for the equivalent of ToCharArray but instead to make …

c# arrays addrange
List.AddRange with IEnumerable<T> parameter not working?

I have the following scenario where I want to add some items to a List... List<T> items = …

c# list ienumerable deferred addrange
Adding multiple items to a combo box using AddRange

Baically I'm looking for something like this... cbo_Genre.Items.AddRange({"Horror", "Comedy"});

c# visual-studio-2008 combobox addrange
Can't append one list to another in C#... trying to use AddRange

Hi I'm trying to append 1 list to another. I've done it using AddRange() before but it doesn't seem to be …

c# list repository addrange
Add a List to another List that is either null or not null

Consider the the piece of code below. I need to call the method CreateOrAddToLists() in a loop. First time the …

c# list null addrange
List<T>.AddRange implementation suboptimal

Profiling my C# application indicated that significant time is spent in List<T>.AddRange. Using Reflector to look …

c# .net performance list addrange