Top "Itemssource" questions

ListBox ItemsSource WPF Binding

I'm not understanding something about binding. I have a DataTemplate for type Object which is working, but in there I …

c# wpf binding listbox itemssource
ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem() returns null?

I'm having a bit of weird behavior that I can't seem to work out. When I iterate through the items …

wpf listbox containers itemssource
WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections

Situation: I've created a DataGrid in XAML and the ItemsSource is binded to an ObservableCollection of a certain class that …

c# wpf datagrid itemssource datagridcomboboxcolumn
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem attribute and current item updates

I have a view model to manage a dialog type of view that allows filtering of a listing (if necessary) …

wpf data-binding selecteditem itemssource
ListBox.ItemsSource binding in code and in xaml

I wrote simple code like public ObservableCollection<string> Names … public Window1() { PutInDataIntoNames(); InitializeComponent(); this.listBox1.ItemsSource = Names; } and …

wpf listbox itemssource
Removing an item from a WPF binding listbox

I have a WPF application with a ListBox (called listMyItems) which is successfully bound to a class of MyItems that …

c# wpf binding listbox itemssource
WPF: Setting ItemSource in XAML vs. code-behind

Since this is WPF, it may look like lots of code, but don't be frightened, the question is really simple! …

c# wpf listview itemssource
set xaml code ItemsSource="{Binding}" with code behind

I have the following property Temp2: (my UserControl implements INotifyPropertyChanged) ObservableCollection<Person> _Temp2; public ObservableCollection<Person> …

c# datacontext inotifypropertychanged itemssource
How to setup a grid as template for an Items control?

I'm trying to create an ItemsControl that uses a grid as its ItemsPanel in such a way that it has …

wpf grid itemscontrol itemssource
WPF - Best way to remove an item from the ItemsSource

I'm writing a custom ItemsControl (a tabbed document container), where each item (tab) can remove itself from the UI when …

wpf itemscontrol itemssource