Top "Object-detection" questions

Object detection deals with recognizing the presence of objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) in digital image and video data.

OpenCV detectMultiScale() minNeighbors parameter

I'm currently using Haar classifiers, to detect objects. On my way, I didn't understand what is the minNeighbors parameter, what …

opencv object-detection haar-classifier
How to know if matchTemplate found an object or not?

I used this answer and wrote my own program, but I have a specific problem. If the image does not …

opencv object-detection matchtemplate
Full body detection and tracking using OpenCV+Python-2.7

There are a lot of materials available to do this with C++. I would to know if there is a …

python python-2.7 opencv object-detection
OpenCV - Object matching using SURF descriptors and BruteForceMatcher

I have a question about objects matching with OpenCV. I'm useing SURF algorithm implemented in opencv 2.3 to first detect features …

c++ opencv computer-vision surf object-detection
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'app'

I am following this tutorial and doing a project on custom object-detection using tensorflow. So when I tried to create …

python-3.x tensorflow object-detection
from utils import label_map_util Import Error: No module named utils

I am trying to run the object_detection.ipynb type program but it is a normal python program(.py). It …

python python-2.7 tensorflow import object-detection
How to avoid "CUDA out of memory" in PyTorch

I think it's a pretty common message for PyTorch users with low GPU memory: RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried …

python machine-learning deep-learning object-detection low-memory
OpenCV cvFindContours - how do I separate components of a contour

I've been playing around with OpenCV and with alot of trial and error have managed to learn how to detect …

c opencv image-processing geometry object-detection
Cannot find `protoc` command

When I run this: protoc --python_out=. .\object_detection\protos\anchor_generator.proto on a tensorflow object detection file on …

python tensorflow object-detection protoc
What are possible values for data_augmentation_options in the TensorFlow Object Detection pipeline configuration?

I have successfully trained an object detection model with TensorFlow with the sample configurations given here:…

tensorflow configuration object-detection