Top "Object-detection" questions

Object detection deals with recognizing the presence of objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) in digital image and video data.

OpenCV image preprocessing for object detection

I would like to know about some preprocessing practices recommended for applying to images before their features are computed, in …

opencv image-processing object-detection
DuplicateFlagError when trying to train tensorflow object detection api on google collaboratory

I am trying to train Tensorflow Object Detection API on my dataset containing apples and capsicum. For that, I generated …

tensorflow object-detection google-colaboratory
HOG for "detecting object" opencv

I would like to know, if there is any code or any good documentation available for implementing HOG features? I …

opencv object-detection
Opencv Algorithm to detect moving vehicle in moving/shaking camera

Is there any way in opencv to detect moving vehicle/object when camera is moving/shaking. I have read and …

opencv object-detection motion-detection
How to run multiple graphs in a Session - Tensorflow API

Tensorflow API has provided few pre-trained models and allowed us to trained them with any dataset. I would like to …

python session tensorflow models object-detection
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality?

I found many ways to detect different shapes. But hard luck when I am going for a physical object. From …

android computer-vision augmented-reality object-detection
How to send OpenCV output to browser with python?

I have a simple python script with open cv, which takes in a video and does object detection on it …

python opencv object-detection live-streaming yolo
OpenCV Human Body Tracking

Hi I am new to OpenCV and I am trying to implement human body tracking using a camera placed on …

c++ opencv object-detection video-tracking
Keras Classification - Object Detection

I am working on a classification then object detection with Keras and Python. I have classified cats/dogs with 80%+ accuracy, …

python classification keras object-detection
OpenCV extract area of an image from a vector of squares

I have an image that contains a square, and I need to extract the area contained in that square. After …

c++ opencv image-processing object-detection roi