Top "Protoc" questions

protoc is the compiler for .proto files.

Cannot find `protoc` command

When I run this: protoc --python_out=. .\object_detection\protos\anchor_generator.proto on a tensorflow object detection file on …

python tensorflow object-detection protoc
Correct format of protoc go_package?

I have an existing project in Go where I'm using Protocol buffers / gRPC. Until recent the go_package option was …

protocol-buffers protoc grpc-go
How can I use protocol buffers for Python on windows?

I have been trying to use protocol buffers in my Python program, but cannot get it to work. I'm running …

python protocol-buffers protoc
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto: No such file or directory

I am following the example found here. But whenever I enter the command "C:/Program Files/protoc/bin/protoc" object_…

python tensorflow object-detection protoc
Protocol Buffer Error on compile during GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION check

I'm currently getting an error which points me to these lines in the header file produced by protoc: #if 2006001 < …

c++ protocol-buffers protoc
How to import gRPC empty and Google api annotations proto

I am trying to use Google Cloud Endpoints to make a gRPC based api that can transcode incoming REST requests. …

google-cloud-platform protocol-buffers google-cloud-endpoints grpc protoc
protoc not generating service stub files

I have just started playing with google proto. When I try to compile proto file present in proto-java example, it …

protocol-buffers grpc protoc
Create variable of type Map[string]interface{} in gRPC protoc buffer golang

I'm using grpc golang to communicate between client and server application. Below is the code for protoc buffer. syntax = "proto3"; …

go grpc protoc
protoc-gen-go: program not found or is not executable

I am trying to build a sample app with go grpc but I am unable to generate the code using "…

go protocol-buffers grpc proto protoc
protoc-gen-go-grpc: program not found or is not executable

go version: go version go1.14 linux/amd64 go.mod module [redacted] go 1.14 require ( v1.4.0-rc.2 google.…

go protocol-buffers grpc protoc