Top "Protoc" questions

protoc is the compiler for .proto files.

Is "google/protobuf/struct.proto" the best way to send dynamic JSON over GRPC?

I have a written a simple GRPC server and a client to call the server (both in Go). Please tell …

json go protocol-buffers grpc protoc
Compilation error in compiling Protobufs in Java using SBT build tool

I am using the Play framework (which uses SBT build tool) with Java where I need to consume a Protobuf. …

java protocol-buffers protoc protobuf-c
Protocol Buffer Error version

I'm trying to install the Caffe library but I have a compilation problem due to a wrong protobuf version installed …

c++ protocol-buffers protoc
ImportError: cannot import name 'input_reader_pb2'

working on win10 64-bit when i trying to train my model by E:\projectx\model-master\models-master>python …

python tensorflow protoc
gRPC server error handler golang

I want know about good practices with golang and gRPC and protobuf. I am implementing the following gRPC service service …

http go grpc protoc