Visual Neural Network recognizer that breaks up an image into digital image features (nose, mouth, etc) to improve accuracy in object recognition.
I'm currently using Haar classifiers, to detect objects. On my way, I didn't understand what is the minNeighbors parameter, what …
opencv object-detection haar-classifierI am trying to detect hand using OpenCV and C++. I am able to find the contour of the hand (…
opencv haar-classifierI'm using OpenCV to detect face in the pictures that are captured by cameras. But I realized that there are …
opencv haar-classifierI am trying to detect the mouth in an image with openCV, so I am using the following code: #include "…
opencv haar-classifier cascade-classifierI'm using a trained opencv cascade classifier to detect hands in video frames, and would like to lower my false …
python opencv haar-classifier viola-jones