Top "Nsurlsessiondownloadtask" questions

An NSURLSessionDataTask is a concrete subclass of NSURLSessionTask.

Showing the file download progress with NSURLSessionDataTask

I want to display file download progress (how many bytes are received) of particular file. It works fine with the …

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How does one deal with a cancelled NSURLSessionTask in the completion handler block?

If I create a NSURLSessionDownloadTask, and later cancel it before it finishes, the completion block still fires seemingly. let downloadTask = …

ios cocoa-touch swift nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask
Download a file with NSURLSession in Swift

i have like 2 problems here , first i cant set NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate with a swift project, compiler says Type 'ViewController' does not …

ios swift nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask
NSURLSessionTask never calls back after timeout when using background configuration

I am using NSURLSessionDownloadTask with background sessions to achieve all my REST requests. This way I can use the same …

ios ios7.1 nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask nsurlsessionconfiguration
Resume NSUrlSession on iOS10

iOS 10 is going to be released soon so it worth to test applications for compatibility with it. During such test …

ios nsurlsession ios10 nsurlsessiondownloadtask
Stream video while downloading iOS

I am using iOS 7 and I have a .mp4 video that I need to download in my app. The video …

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Swift - Downloading video with downloadTaskWithURL

I'm downloading a video thanks to downloadTaskWithURL and I'm saving it to my gallery with this code : func saveVideoBis(fileStringURL:…

ios iphone swift ipad nsurlsessiondownloadtask
What is difference between NSURLSessionDataTask vs NSURLSessionDownloadTask

In latest apple introduce new NSURLSession in replace of NSURLConnection, so in there are different task , so what is the …

ios objective-c nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask nsurlsessiontask
Get the data from NSURLSession DownloadTaskWithRequest from completion handler

So I'm having hard time understanding something. This are the things I understand about NSURSession : Generally , I have 2 options for (…

ios swift nsdata nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask
NSURLSession Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"

I am downloading the file in background using NSURLSession background session configuration. - (void)initBackgroundSession { self.backgroundSessionManager = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration …

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