Top "Nsurlsessionconfiguration" questions

An NSURLSessionConfiguration object defines the behavior and policies to use when uploading and downloading data using an NSURLSession object.

How to cache using NSURLSession and NSURLCache. Not working

I have a test app setup and it successfully downloads content from the network even if the user switches apps …

ios iphone nsurlsession nsurlcache nsurlsessionconfiguration
Showing the file download progress with NSURLSessionDataTask

I want to display file download progress (how many bytes are received) of particular file. It works fine with the …

ios nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask nsurlsessionconfiguration
NSURLSession concurrent requests with Alamofire

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my test app. I've about 50 simultaneous GET requests that I send to the same …

swift concurrency nsurlsession alamofire nsurlsessionconfiguration
NSURLSessionTask never calls back after timeout when using background configuration

I am using NSURLSessionDownloadTask with background sessions to achieve all my REST requests. This way I can use the same …

ios ios7.1 nsurlsession nsurlsessiondownloadtask nsurlsessionconfiguration
Prevent NSURLSession from caching responses

Why does it cache responses. It returns previously fetched responses. It even works if turning off the network connection. Resetting …

swift caching nsurlsession nsurlcache nsurlsessionconfiguration
How to programmatically add a proxy to an NSURLSession

Looking over the documentation of NSURLSession and NSURLSessionConfiguration, I was under the impression I should configure it with a dictionary …

ios proxy nsurlsession nsurlsessionconfiguration
NSURLSessionConfiguration HTTPAdditionalHeaders not set

Authorization header is set in NSURLSessionConfiguration, however it is not attached to NSURLSessionDataTask. Is this a bug in Foundation framework? …

ios nsurlrequest foundation nsurlsession nsurlsessionconfiguration