Top "Ngfor" questions

The Angular NgFor directive instantiates a template once per item from an iterable.

Angular 6 ngTemplateOutlet inside ngFor multiple context

let's assume I have the following component: @Component({ selector: 'todo-lib', template: ` <li *ngFor="let todo of libService.todos"> &…

angular ngfor angular6
Does ngFor directive re-render whole array on every mutation?

Let's say we have an array of items: items = [ { title: 'item 1'}, { title: 'item 2'}, /* ... */ ]; And there is a template …

arrays angular ngfor
*ngFor object attribute undefined

I'm starting on Angular 2 coming from Angular 1, and I can't figure how to use ngFor on an object's attribute. this.…

angular ionic2 ngfor
Border of div bound to routerlink directive?

I have encountered an issue where divs using routerLink get bordered with blue when clicked. I think I am missing …

angular routing focus ngfor routerlink
Passing ngFor variable to an ngIf template

How do I pass the current variable in an ngFor loop to ngIf, if it is using templates with then/…

angular ngfor angular-ng-if ng-template