Top "Ngfor" questions

The Angular NgFor directive instantiates a template once per item from an iterable.

Angular dynamic table using ngFor

I would like to know if it is possible to create a dynamic HTML table from JSON data. The amount …

html angular ngfor
How to iterate through an Object attributes in Angular 2

Here's my object (It has n number of dynamic keys. I've only shown two in the example below) let obj = { …

javascript loops angular iteration ngfor
Angular 6 Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed

I think my Problem is that the API delivers an Object instead of an array. So i need to Modify …

angular api fetch primeng ngfor
Angular2 Dynamic input field lose focus when input changes

I'm making a dynamic form. A Field has a list of values. Each value is represented by a string. export …

javascript angular angular2-forms ngfor angular2-ngmodel
How to create a new row of cards using ngFor and bootstrap 4

I'm trying to use the card group functionality of Bootstrap 4 with Angular ngFor. Here is the HTML I have for …

twitter-bootstrap angular bootstrap-4 ngfor
Angular 2 template driven form with ngFor inputs

Is it possible to create input fields with a ngFor in a template driven form and use something like #name="…

forms angular ngfor
Angular 2: *ngFor in *ngFor

The following scenario would be pretty easy in javascript but I got some problems getting it worked in Angular. I …

angular ngfor
Counter for nested ngFor loops in Angular2

I have two nested *ngFor loops in Angular2. I want to maintain a counter that increments each time the code …

angular ngfor
Loop through array of strings - angular2

Yet very basic thing, but I am unable to figure out how to display array of strings in html template …

angular ngfor angular-template
Angular *ngFor on different divs

I have a markup using material flex in angular 4 project which looks like this. <div fxLayout="row"> <…

angular ngfor angular-flex-layout