Top "Ngfor" questions

The Angular NgFor directive instantiates a template once per item from an iterable.

Angular2 loading dynamic content/html in for loop

I have a json array which can contain either the component or the html selector for the component i want …

angular innerhtml dynamic-content ngfor
Filtering items by value inside ngFor without writing Pipes

I have the following Component: class MyComponent { public mode = 'v'; readonly modes = ['v', 'a', 'd']; .... } Now I want to use …

angular ngfor
Angular2 selected option with objects

I have an Angular 2 app that is dealing with customers and a spring rest back end. The customer object has …

angular ngfor angularjs-ng-value angular2-ngmodel
Angular 6 how to pass selected checkbox to ngModel

I have problem with pass selected checkbox (which is iterated) to ngModel. <label class="btn btn-outline-secondary" *ngFor="let test …

angular checkbox ngfor angular2-ngmodel
Line break in ngFor loop

I have an ngFor that creates several PrimeNG buttons. Right now, the buttons appear directly after each other on the …

html angular ngfor
Angular2: ngFor multiple objects per row in table

My component has an array of strings I want to display in a table. However, I want the table to …

angular ngfor
Angular - How to get input value at ngFor loop with one way binding

Can you give me a way to get input value at ngFor loop with one way binding? <div *ngFor="…

angular binding ngfor oneway
Counting up in ngFor - Angular 2

I have a problem counting up the ngFor Loop in Angular 2. Im trying to develop a grid that has 3 columns …

javascript ionic-framework angular ngfor
Angular2 (final version) *ngFor in component: Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'div'

I started using Angular2 (final version) and i'm having some problems with *ngFor. I've built the following component tree: main …

angular angular2-directives ngfor
Angular 4 *ngFor adding a row div every third column

I am using Angular 4 with the bulma css framework and I am wondering how I can add a new row (…

angular ngfor bulma