Top "Ngfor" questions

The Angular NgFor directive instantiates a template once per item from an iterable.

Angular2 *ngFor: "Cannot read property '0' of undefined"

I trying to get data from a JSON file to build a form. Here is a portion of my template: &…

arrays json object angular ngfor
angular 4 : Can't bind to 'ngForFor' since it isn't a known property of 'li'

I've just started learning angular 4. This is a simple code that I'm trying to implement in Visual Studio Code, but …

angular typescript angularjs-ng-repeat ngfor
*ngFor on object angular2

I'm getting a JSON file from an api, as you can see there is an Object inside an Object called "…

angular ionic-framework ngfor
Angular 2 component *ngFor template parse error

I have the following error from angular 2: EXCEPTION: Template parse errors: Parser Error: Unexpected token . at column 26 in [ngFor let …

angular ngfor
Angular 2 ngModel and index with select element

I have a ng for loop like so <template ngFor let-game [ngForOf]="(games)" let-index="index"> <tr> &…

angular ngfor angular2-ngmodel
How to loop through array upto only some objects using ngFor in angular 2

I'm looping through an array which has 6 objects and using ngFor where I want to loop only up to 4 elements .. …

html angular ngfor
*ngFor running an infinite loop in angular2

I am trying to render object properties using keys in angular2 using below code: <ul> <li *ngFor="…

typescript angular ngfor
*ngFor resetting all form values when adding new input element

I have an Angular2 app with a button that can add another loan to my loans. My *ngFor is pretty …

angular typescript data-binding ngfor ng-modal
Angular 2-Filtering table based on select dropdown (both are different components)

I'm trying to filter data table component based on the value passed by select drop down component.I'm using @Input() …

javascript angular ngfor
angular2 toggle icons inside ngFor

Can some one please let me know how to toggle icons while doing ngFor? Problem Statement: I'm using *ngFor to …

loops angular typescript ngfor angular-ng-if