Top "Angular-ng-if" questions

An Angular core directive that toggles the presence of the targeted element in the DOM.

*ngIf and *ngFor on same element causing error

I'm having a problem with trying to use Angular's *ngFor and *ngIf on the same element. When trying to loop …

angular ngfor angular-ng-if
Angular ng-if="" with multiple arguments

I am trying to get started on angular development. And after reviewing the documentation some questions persist. How do i …

javascript angularjs angular-ng-if
ng-if, not equal to?

I have a simple ng-reapt that displays a list of values.. On some of the outputs, i have a couple …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-repeat ng-switch angular-ng-if
Angular ng-if not true

Why doesn't this work. <li ng-if="!area"></li> Feels a bit illogical since <li ng-if="…

angularjs angular-ng-if
Angular 4 default radio button checked by default

I'm trying to mark as a default a radiobutton depending on the value I get from my object, it can …

angular object radio-button angular-ng-if
*ngIf else if in template

How would I have multiple cases in an *ngIf statement? I'm used to Vue or Angular 1 with having an if, …

angular templates angular-ng-if
angular 4: *ngIf with multiple conditions

I'm confused a bit. I need to hide block if result have one of several cases. But seems it not …

angular typescript angular2-directives angular-ng-if
How to use ng-if with table to display td based on the condition

With reference to the earlier post on ng-if within DIV for reference the link given here :: Ng-If within DIV , however …

angularjs angular-ng-if
Angular 2- using *ngIf with multiple conditions

I'm unable to selectively display links on my nav-bar. Based on who logs in (user or admin), I want to …

angular angular-ng-if
AngularJS watch DOM change

I have one auto-carousel directive which iterates through the linked element's children. The children however are not yet loaded in …

angularjs dom angularjs-directive angular-ng-if