An Angular core directive that toggles the presence of the targeted element in the DOM.
Right, so i have a header component (navbar) which contains the following template: <ng-template [ngIf] = "authService.isAuthenticated()"> <…
angular typescript service angular-ng-ifQuick Example: There is a routed parameter (/Home/:isLoggedIn) that equates to true or false. (/Demo/#/Home/false) and a …
javascript angularjs angular-ng-ifI am showing reactive form error messages as per the suggested approach of angular angular form validation error example. html …
angular angular-ng-if angular-validationIs it possible to use the 'greater than' comparator in an ng-if in HTML? The problem is that the ">" …
javascript html angularjs angular-ng-ifBelow is my Code. What I want is on click of submit button, it should disabled the field of Rohan …
angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angular-ng-if angularjs-ng-disabledI'm trying to understand the difference between ng-if and *ng-if, but they look the same to me. Is there a …
javascript angular angular-ng-ifdepending on the value of a (boolean) class variable I would like my ng-content to either be wrapped in a …
angular angular-ng-if angular2-ngcontentI would like to trigger ngIf when there is a specific value in an array inside the scope. So I …
angularjs angular-ng-ifI've got a strange behavior in an angular application and I don't know if that's a bug or a known …
javascript angularjs angular-ng-ifI have a form on Angular that allows to display an input according to the value selected in a drop-down …
html angular forms typescript angular-ng-if